Microlensing 23

23rd International Microlensing Conference

28-30 January, 2019

Center for Computational Astrophysics

New York, NY, USA

### Strategies for exploring parameter space for planetary microlensing events: ### Lessons from the RV and TTV community Eric Ford Penn State 23rd International Microlensing Conference Center for Computational Astrophysics 28-30 January, 2019 --- ## Questions posted - How to efficiently search a complex (non-Gaussian) multi-variate parameter space? - How to weight degenerate solutions? - Efficient computational methods for solving the triple lens equation. --- ## Challenge: Multi-modal likelihood - Multiple local maxima - Widely spaced - Separated by deep valleys - Sharp features - High-dimensional ___ ## Who else has these challenges? ___ ## Who else has these challenges? - Radial velocity - Astrometry - Transit search - Transit timing variations ___ ## Similarities - Non-linear likelihood - Likelihood highly multi-modal in orbital period - 5-7 parameters per planet - Unknown number of planets - Keplerian orbits --- ## Explore vs ## Exploit ___ ## Explore 1. Physical intuition 2. Computational power ___ ## Explore: Physical intution Full model: N-body Surrogate models: - Keplerian orbits - Epicycle approximation - Circular orbits - Linear/quadratic trajectory? ___ ## Explore: Physical intution Hierarchy of parameters - 1-3 key multi-modal parameters - Secondary non-linear parameters - (Nearly) linear parameters - Nuisance parameters ___ ### Key multi-modal parameters Brute force search - Parallelizes efficiently - GPUs offer >100x speedup (if high compute per memory load) ___ ### Linear (or nearly linear) parameters - Optimize analytically w/ linear algebra - Marginalize w/ Laplace approximation ___ ### Other non-linear parameters - Optimize itteratively - Marginalize via quadrature ___ ## Explore: Physical intution Hierarchy of parameters - 1-3 key parameters: - Brute force - Non-linear parameters: - Optimize itteratively, or - Integration by quadrature - (Nearly) linear parameters: - Optimize analytically, or - Integration via Laplace approximation - Nuisance parameters --- ## Example: RV (Keplerian Orbits) Hierarchy of parameters - Key parameters: - Orbital Period(s) - Linear parameters: - RV amplitiudes (2/planet) - Instrumental offsets - Non-linear parameters: - Eccentricities - One angle per planet - Noise model ___ ## Example: RV (Epicycle Approximation) Hierarchy of parameters - Key parameters: - Orbital Period(s) - Linear parameters: - RV amplitiudes (4/planet) - Instrumental offsets - Non-linear parameters: - Noise model ___ ## Example: Transit Photometry Hierarchy of parameters - Key parameters: - Orbital period - Orbital phase - Transit duration - Linear parameters: - Transit depth - Coefficients for detrending - Non-linear parameters: - Noise model ___ ## Example: Transit Timing Variations Hierarchy of parameters - Key parameters: - Orbital periods - Orbital phases - Non-linear parameters: - Masses - Eccentricity vectors - Nuisance parameters: - Inclinations - Nodes ___ ## Explore: Physical Intuition Fast model evaluation - Density of sampling (e.g., in periods) - One Physical model... many viewing geometries - Small eccenricity approximation - Small mutual inclination approximation - --- ## Exploit What is your goal? ___ ## Exploit - Find optima: Itterative optimizer - Draw posterior sample (near optimum): MCMC - Marginalize around optimum: Importance Sampling ___ ## Exploit: Optimization Optimization algorithms using gradients - Differentiable form of Kepler (Pal 2009) - Derivatives of Kepler equation by hand - Autodifferentiation ___ ## Exploit: Posterior Sampling Artisinal MCMC proposals - Use physically motivated proposals for correlated parameters (Ford 2005) - Useful when nearly degeneracies - Multiple parameterizations for multiple regimes. - Enable jumps between few known modes (Hu+ 2014) - Be extra careful to use well-motivated priors ___ ## Exploit: Posterior Sampling Workhorse algorithms - Ensemble samplers (D ~ 10's) - Differential Evolution MCMC (ter Braak 2006; Nelson+ 2013) - Affine invariant ensemble sampler (Goodman & Weare 2010) Often "good enough" and saves expert from spending time to design artisinal MCMC proposals ___ ## Exploit: Posterior Sampling Workhorse algorithms - Geometric samplers (large D) - HMC + No U-Turn Sampler (NUTS; Hoffman & Gelman 2014) - Geometric Adaptive Monte Carlo (Tuchow+ 2019) ___ ## Exploit: Posterior Sampling Combine: - Artisinal proposals (e.g., between modes) - Ensemble samplers (most important parameters) - Geometric samplers (e.g., nuisance parameters) ___ ## Exploit: Posterior Sampling Weighting of degenerate solutions comes out naturally Warnings: - Posterior width depends on measurement uncertainties - Correlated noise also affects weighting and location of posterior modes ___ ## Exploit: Posterior Sampling Suggestions: - Report what you measure well (even if it's not what physicists want) - Particularly important for summmary statistics - Can avoid some biases - e & omega vs e sin(omega) & e cos(omega) - Similar for inclinations --- ## How many planets? ___ ## How many planets does the data provide strong evidence for? ___ ## How many planets? From Astronomer intuition to Bayesian model comparison... - Requires accurate noise model - Better to marginalize over noise model parameters than guess wrong - "Jitter parameter" - Strength of correlated noise ___ ## Bayesian Model Comparison - In general, computationally very expensive - AIC or BIC are merely heuristics - Unlikely asymptotics apply to your data ___ ## Bayesian Model Comparison - Laplace approximation - Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA; Rue+ 2009) - Importance Sampling - Mixture of Gaussians (or Student t-distributions) - Product of marginals (Perrakis+ 2014) - Ratio estimator (Nelson+ 2014) - Diffusive Nested Sampling (DNest4; Brewer & Foreman-Mackey 2018) - Thermodynamic integration ___ ## Extremely Precise RV Evidence Challenge Lessons learned - Validate codes - Do not trust internal errors estimates - Plan for uncertainty in evidence estimates - Perform sensitivity tests ___ ## Extremely Precise RV Evidence Challenge Dispersion in evidence estimates - 0 planets: ~3x - 1 planet: ~10x - 2 planets: 100-1000x - 3 planets: >10,000x Nelson+ 2019 --- ## What's the real goal? ___ ## Characterizing Planet Populations ___ ## Hierarchical Bayesian Models - High-dimensional - Priors can be surprisingly important ___ ## Hierarchical Bayesian Models - Probabilistic programming languages good for prototyping - JAGS (probably too restrictive for microlensing models) - STAN (flexible, heavily templatized C++) - Turing.jl (flexible, easier to implement thanks to Julia) ___ ## Hierarchical Bayesian Models - Survey may be homogeneous - Astrophysical complexity ___ ## Hierarchical Bayesian Models - Incorporating complex survey details can be difficult - Approximate Bayesian Computing - Allows for complex physics, survey practicalities - Can gradually build model complexity - Enables testingn sensitivity to unmodeled complexities --- ## Towards Reproducibile Science ___ ## Towards Reproducibile Science - Report what you measure well - Report more than summary statistics - If degeneracies, report mixture model as approximation to posterior ___ ## Towards Reproducibile Science - Share posterior distributions - Ideally labeled with log prior & log likelihood (perhaps multiple terms) - Plan for both data & codes to be shared ___ ## Towards Reproducibile Science Experimental design matters - Simulations should inform key decissions - Use algorithmic observing strategies (most of the time) - Document decisions (esp. deviations) --- # Questions?
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