CyberLAMP Wiki

You can submit a job to the CyberLAMP cluster’s CPU nodes (if you’re interested, there are several other options to make use of GPUs or Intel Phis) by using

qsub -A cyberlamp script.pbs

or replacing the “-A” line in the pbs script with

#PBS -A cyberlamp

For CyberLAMP only, there are several options that you can specify by adding an “-l” flag, either on the command line or in the pbs script

#PBS -l qos=cl_debug  # Debug job, should start quickly, must finish within 1 hour, max of 2 jobs per user
#PBS -l qos=cl_open   # Low-priority jobs, can run as many as you like, max wall clock time of 192 hours, must be preemptible)
#PBS -l qos=cl_himem  # High memory job, 1GB of memory per node
#PBS -l qos=cl_gpu    # Single-GPU job 
#PBS -l qos=cl_higpu  # Multi-GPU jobs (up to 4)
#PBS -l qos=cl_phi    # Phi job

If you don’t specify any of these, it will be a “standard” CyberLAMP job (max wall clock time of 362 hours)

See the CyberLAMP Wiki for updates to queue policies and additional info.